
Administrative Services & Personnel Division

Personnel and Administrative Services has department-wide responsibilities for coordinating the following services for the employees of the Department of Public Works:

  • All personnel-related functions
  • Payroll
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Safety
  • Training
  • Facilities
  • Telephone and Vehicle Management
  • Courier Mail

Sergio PĂ©rez

Deputy Director of Public Works - Administration

Vendors: If submitting invoices electronically, please submit them to icpwpayables@co.imperial.ca.us

The section also provides telephone information, supplies and support for department administration and other sectors of Public Works.

Engineering Division

Private Development

All private development and other public agency development projects within the County are reviewed and plans are checked to ensure the health and safety to the traveling public.

Plan checking includes: review and comments during the initial pre-application stages, during the application process and for final construction. The department also conducts traffic reviews to insure the Imperial County Circulation Plan is being followed. Besides transportation impacts other areas of concern to the Department include drainage and flooding as well as solid waste.

Public Projects

Public Projects consists of public works, road and bridge transportation projects which include road and bridge replacement, repair and rehabilitation, road resurfacing, traffic sign and signal installation as well as other miscellaneous public works infrastructure. These projects may be federally funded, state funded and/or locally funded. Most of the work is contracted out through the public bidding process. Some work is performed by Public Works field operations as part of ongoing maintenance to the road transportation system.

Traffic Engineering

The department reviews all road related claims and/or traffic accidents within the unincorporated areas of the County jurisdiction. The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is administered by this department. The TAC includes two members of the CHP (El Centro and Winterhaven), Catrans traffic engineer, County sheriff personnel, County Risk Mana