Personnel and Administrative Services has department-wide responsibilities for coordinating the following services for the employees of the Department of Public Works:
Sergio Pérez
Deputy Director of Public Works - Administration
Vendors: If submitting invoices electronically, please submit them to
The section also provides telephone information, supplies and support for department administration and other sectors of Public Works.
All private development and other public agency development projects within the County are reviewed and plans are checked to ensure the health and safety to the traveling public.
Plan checking includes: review and comments during the initial pre-application stages, during the application process and for final construction. The department also conducts traffic reviews to insure the Imperial County Circulation Plan is being followed. Besides transportation impacts other areas of concern to the Department include drainage and flooding as well as solid waste.
Public Projects consists of public works, road and bridge transportation projects which include road and bridge replacement, repair and rehabilitation, road resurfacing, traffic sign and signal installation as well as other miscellaneous public works infrastructure. These projects may be federally funded, state funded and/or locally funded. Most of the work is contracted out through the public bidding process. Some work is performed by Public Works field operations as part of ongoing maintenance to the road transportation system.
The department reviews all road related claims and/or traffic accidents within the unincorporated areas of the County jurisdiction. The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is administered by this department. The TAC includes two members of the CHP (El Centro and Winterhaven), Catrans traffic engineer, County sheriff personnel, County Risk Management, and Public Works’ traffic engineer. The TAC is the first point of contact for reviewing requests for traffic regulatory signs, speed studies, etc. This committee serves at the direction of the Public Works Director and makes recommendations to the Director.
The County Traffic Engineer is responsible for continually updating county traffic volumes and coordination with the Road Operations sign shop with respect to road signage. Also traffic studies for private development and other agency developments are reviewed by the Department. The Traffic Engineer provides traffic studies, designs detour signs and technical support for Department Public Projects as well as reviews detour signage for developers and private developments.
Traffic engineering studies are performed at various locations to determine whether requests for changes in traffic controls or speed limits on County roads are warranted. Any changes of a regulatory nature are submitted to the Board of Supervisors for action by resolution or ordinance.
Traffic EngineeringTraffic Counts of County Roads can be provided by the Department upon request. Please be advised that not all traffic counts are either available or up to date. Please contact our office # (442) 265-1818 for inquiries.
The Department is responsible for acquisition and management of real property such as right of way, land leases and solid waste issues. In order to accomplish these tasks, collaboration and liaison regularly occurs with other government and public agencies, Land Surveyors & Engineers, County officials and the general public regarding roads, land ownership and right of ways.
The Field Operations are responsible for maintaining approximately 2555 miles of County roads of which 1349 are paved and 1206 are unpaved as well as 138 County bridges along County roads. Imperial County ranks 7th out of 58 Counties in maintained mileage responsibility.
The Imperial Valley is divided into four (4) sections, with each section being assigned the responsibility of one of the road district yards. Each road district yard works to perform road maintenance or road rehabilitation in their assigned section. In addition to the four road district yards there are three (3) satellite yards in outlying areas of the County. Each road yard district also works in conjunction with the other road district yards to perform special road maintenance jobs and rehabilitation projects. Each road district also operates a gravel pit, located in their respective district, as needed.
Kevin Spieler
Deputy Director of Public Works - Field Operations
The sign shop works in conjunction with each road district to maintain any striping, stencils, stop bars and sign maintenance in their respective district. They also provide the materials and signing for rehabilitation, detours, and special maintenance jobs or emergencies during or after working hours.
Each road district is also responsible for the upkeep of their assigned vehicles, equipment, and road district yards.
By far the most important role the Field Operations play is during emergencies. They are typically one of the first responders in any road related emergency including traffic accidents, earthquakes, fires and rain and other storm events. Safety of the traveling public is paramount in the services provided including staff labor, tools, material and equipment to perform such emergency work on County roadways 24 hours, seven days a week. Most of the work being performed by the road districts is coordinated through the Deputy Director of Public Works – Field Operations by way of weekly road superintendent meetings to go over progress of work being done, and to plan any future work.
1098 Heffernan
Heber, CA. 92249
Road Superintendent: Kevin Spieler
(442) 265-1818
1477 Ross Road
Winterhaven, CA. 92283
Road Superintendent: Kevin Spieler
(442) 265-1818
304 E. 4th Street
Imperial, CA. 92251
Road Superintendent: Carlos Brambila
(442) 265-1818
2256 West Cleveland
Salton City, CA. 92275
Road Superintendent: Carlos Brambila
(442) 265-1818
4736 Highway 111
Brawley, CA. 92227
Road Superintendent: George Paez
(442) 265-1818
1744 East Underwood
Holtville, CA. 92250
Road Superintendent: Kevin Spieler
(442) 265-1818
HWY 78
Palo Verde, CA. 92266
Road Superintendent: Kevin Spieler
(442) 265-1818
Carmen Zamora
Interim Deputy Director of Public Works - Facilities & Capital Facilities
The mission of Facilities/Capital Facilities is to plan, conceive, design, construct, develop, maintain, and renew County facilities and to create and sustain the physical environment by providing safe, clean, and comfortable facilities.
The Department provides construction contract administration, material testing, construction coordination for Public projects; encroachment permit review, issuance and inspection for private development projects and transportation permits. The Department updates all written encroachment permits by data entry into a computerized system for more easy retrieval of old permits.
*NOTICE* Public Service Announcement concerning Niland and Calexico Sites *NOTICE*
*NOTICE* Public Service Announcement concerning Niland Hot Spa Solid Waste Site *NOTICE*
The Department administers and operates nine landfills. Each landfill requires a separate permit which is subject to review every 5 years. Recent factors which have required such permit revisions include increased development in outlying, rural areas which increase the amount of daily tonnage and increased daily vehicle count. Implementing transfer stations also may trigger permit revisions. The permit process takes a minimum of a year and requires complying with the California Environmental Quality Act as well as concurrence with the Local Enforcement Agency (County Environmental Health), the California Recycle on Solid Waste (CRSW) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Public Works Staff provides the environmental documentation and depending upon the complexity of the necessary documentation for re-permitting an outside consultant may provide assistance.
California and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) waste management statutes enacted over the last few years have established some of the toughest standards in the nation for the operation of landfills which handle non-hazardous waste. The California Recycle on Solid Waste (CRSW), the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCB), local Air Pollution Control Districts, and the Local Enforcement Agencies (LEA) all perform inspections of waste management facilities to ensure that they are being operated in compliance with applicable federal, state and local regulations. The Imperial County Public Works Department must assure that each landfill is in compliance with regulatory requirements set forth under California Code of Regulations Title 27 (27CCR), (14 CR), (23 CCR), Chapter 15, Chapter 4 and the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 (40CFR), Part 258. Which include but is not limited to: permitting, reporting of waste disposal, meet current maintenance of landfills, meet maintenance of closure and post closure requirements.
California's climate reduction effort is to reduce organic waste disposal by 75% by 2025. Recover at least 20% of currently disposed-of edible food by 2025.
In efforts to maintain available information and inform the Imperial Valley community regarding the State of California recycling laws, CalRecycles request for each jurisdiction to add Recycling and Organic Recycling information on their website. The County has entered into a Joint Power Agreement with the Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA), for local outreach and information dissemination efforts. For more information on the County’s Waste Management including recycling and organic recycling goals and initiatives, please visit IVRMA at
For regulatory questions, please contact CalRecycle at:
Commercial Recycling Information:
Contact Information: (email) (Phone Number) (916) 341-6199
The Gateway CSA provides for road, water, sewer, drainage and other infrastructure at the Gateway of the Americas Specific Plan Area located at the Eastern Border Crossing of the Imperial Valley. The SPA is an approximate 1700 acre industrial commercial area. The Public Works Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance activities of the infrastructure, acts as the CSA Engineer and staff for the Gateway Board which is the County Board of Supervisors. During 2005 and 2006 a Service Area Plan update was being worked on by Hoffman Planning and a Benefit Fee Analysis update was being reviewed by Boyle Engineering.
The Poe Colonia is located in the south-central Imperial County approximately two miles west of the City of Brawley in an unincorporated community within Imperial County. It is under the administrative jurisdiction of the County Board of Supervisors. Locals often refer to the Poe Colonia as the Poe Subdivision. State Highway 86, Cady and Kalin Roads are the main arterials to the community.
The County has obtained Grant funding for street improvements in addition to grant funding for an onsite sewer treatment and collection system. Public Works was requested to provide for the operation and maintenance of the sewer treatment system.
The Poe Colonia Service Area Plan has recently been adopted by LAFCO. Location Map
The Niland CSA is responsible for street lights within the Niland townsite area. Each year the Department reviews the proposed assessments from the tax rolls to determine the yearly unit fee to provide for the maintenance and operation of streetlights. In 2005 Public Works contracted with Nolte Associates to provide for a Street Light Master Plan for the Niland CSA in order to evaluate the existing street lighting system, the need for additional street lighting as well as review of standards. It is anticipated the work will be completed in 2006.
The Country Club Sewer District owns the sewer line and the County’s Board of Supervisors sits as the Board of Directors for the District. The sewer line and lift station is currently maintained and serviced by the City of Holtville and paid for by Imperial County through the residents of this district. Imperial County is currently conducting a review to upgrade the current sewer line infrastructure.
Carmen Zamora
Interim Deputy Director of Public Works - Facilities Services & Capital Facilities / Parks & Recreation
The Parks & Recreation Division is dedicated to the improvement, repair, expansion and implementation of Parks & Recreation throughout the Imperial County through the support of partnerships with Local, State and Federal Agencies.
The Parks & Recreation is locally monitored and maintained by the Imperial County Park Rangers: Luis Pacheco, Anthony Lopez, Jose Paez, David Stanton and Jaime LaCuesta.
The Division, now within the Imperial County Public Works Department , is located at 155 S. 11 Street, El Centro, CA 92243.
For more information regarding the Parks & Recreation Division, please call the office at (442) 265-1823.
Camping is available at the following parks:
Wiest Lake
Red Hill MarinaFull
Palo Verde Park
Camping Fees are as follows per §92901.08 of the Title 9 Land Use Ordinances. Download Fees
To speed up the check-in process, you may fill out this Check-In Form and have it available when you arrive at the park. Simply turn the form into the Park Ranger for speedier service.
Through Grant Funds, the following parks are undergoing improvements:
Through Grant Funds and volunteer efforts, a new restroom and picnic shade structures were constructed in Palo Verde Park.
Sunbeam Lake Disc Golf Course (sponsored in part by IV Parks, Inc.) has been completed and is open to the public.
Red Hill Park is undergoing repairs and a cosmetic make-over.
Wiest Lake & Red Hill Park are undergoing several repairs and renovations.
Through Grant Funds, Donations and Volunteer Labor the Renovation of Sunbeam Lake Park was completed with the Grand Opening on October 11, 2008.
Sunbeam Little League: Sunbeam Lake Park is home to the Little League with games most every weeknight. District 22 Little League (Imperial Valley)
Imperial Valley BMX: Practice is every Thursday night 6:30pm-8:00pm. Every Saturday races are held, registration begins at 6:00pm.
Hunting: Hunting Season Begins September 1-15, 2012 in Allowable Game Fields. For complete Regulations, please visit the Dept of Fish & Game.
Imperial County is subject to regulation by the California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) under NPDES general permit and waste discharge requirements for storm water discharges from small municipal separate storm sewer systems Order No. 2013-0001-dwq. The Phase II MS4 Permit that became effective in July 2013 replaced the previous order in effect since April 2003. The Phase II MS4 Permit is a General Permit issued by the Water Board pursuant to section 402 of the federal Clean Water Act and implementing regulations (Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 122) adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Chapter 5.5, Division 7 of the California Water Code. These regulations apply to point discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) to waters of the state for which the County owns and operates.